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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our Wonderings continued!

We have been thinking really hard about what to investigate this term these are some of our ideas. What questions do you have about these topics that will help us research?

River Pollution
Ozone Layer
Oil Spills
Mining in NZ
Trees being cut down (forestry)
Global Warming
Animal Habitats
Why plants are the way they are (evolution)


tennille said...

is oil really that bad for as

lachlan said...

Mr sloan why do people still transport oil by sea if it kills animals?

Dallas said...

Why do trees break with an axe?

tennille and ami said...

good question Lachlan why do people do that from tennille and ami

liam said...

why do we have duck shooting season if it kill ducks? from liam

Emily said...

I think people should transport oil other ways like by air craft.

jordan said...

why do we have chainsaws if it cuts down trees and they provide oxygen

Unknown said...

these are some really good questions from brainy room 8 children. when you have some awnswers can you publish them please?

lachlan&tom said...
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tom said...

Are there any benifits of mining

Learning Centre 16 said...

I think they do take oil by aircraft because if helicopters are going on a trip they need enough oil to return.
Harley LC9

Why is there rubbish lying around in places? What is river pollution?
Zoe LC9

How do oil slicks happen? Brodie LC9

Why do people cut down trees? It's not really good because it's damaging nature. Chloe LC9

What's global warming? And what is animal habitats? Ella LC9

Why are people wrecking the environment? Sophia LC9

finn said...

oil is bad for the environment. birds dont like it

anthony said...

why does the government want to mine in the national park

raquel said...

hi mr sloan why do we cut down trees if it cuts out our oxygen?

why do people take oil by ship if it polluts the ocean and the animals?

maddison said...

Mr sloan why do we have oil if people are using it to pollute the sea?

And why do plants die once in a life time?