Family Corner

Family Corner
Here are some really cool sites that help us learn about being safe on the web. Check them out with mum or dad.
Think You Know
Social Networking

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Some of our maths

We have been working on subtraction at the moment in maths. Here's what Liam and Paige are working on...

What strategies do you use to subtract numbers???

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our Wonderings continued!

We have been thinking really hard about what to investigate this term these are some of our ideas. What questions do you have about these topics that will help us research?

River Pollution
Ozone Layer
Oil Spills
Mining in NZ
Trees being cut down (forestry)
Global Warming
Animal Habitats
Why plants are the way they are (evolution)

The Substitute

WALT: Identify and use a range of oral language features to convey meaning and engage listener interest including: volume, pace, mood and tone.

We have been studying poetry in reading check out what Abi, Maddi, Emily, and Brianna read today. How do you think they did?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010



We are wondering about our world and it being beautiful

"What keeps our world beautiful?"

We are trying to think of things to research and investigate
during our inquiry.

What questions do you think we could research to explore our beautiful world?


Monday, May 3, 2010

Dance in Room 8

Last session in dance we read the poem below and performed an interpretive dance.

A Song of the Woods
by Winifred Sackville Stoner, Jr.

"My leaves are turning crimson," the giant oak tree said,

"It's almost time these children should seek their winter's bed,

But how they still cling to me and gleam with crimson hue, 

They truly are more lovely than cirrus clouds of blue.

"And now throughout the forest - list! hear their voices ring,

But 'tis in tones of sadness and sighing they now sing -

'Alas! 'tis gone, fair summer, and winter's reign is near,

He cruelly strips the forest of all her summer cheer

By killing all her lovely leaves and likewise flowers gay 

And driving all her fairy folk to homes of far away.'"

We were focusing on time and energy in our dances

WALT: explore time and energy in dance
We will know we have achieved this when we...
Use the movement of our bodies which is soft and gentle
Use the speed of our bodies which is slow and peaceful

Today we focused on space!

WALT: explore space in dance
We will know we have achieved when we...
- Use a the levels for effect
- Are aware of and create a focus for the audience
Plan and use a clear directions in our dance.
Check this out!


Wow a lot of people have been blogging. It is great to see! Today we discussed how to make great blog comments. This is what we decided:

WALT identify and use good blog comments

Give feedback to the post

Let people know who you are (if allowed)

Only be positive and constructive (no put downs)

Talk about the post not random stuff.

Stay on the learning topic

Ask lots of questions