Today during reading we were learning to ask questions to help us understand the text better. We were looking at a 'cool' text from CSI (Comprehension Strategy Instruction) about the 5steps scientists use.
Once we read the text we followed the steps they were:
1)Make Observations
We asked a the question what will happen if we sprinkle salt on ice?
2) Form a Hypothesis
We made the prediction that we thought the ice would melt quicker with the salt.
3) Preform the Task
Take 2 saucers of frozen water. Sprinkle table salt on 1 saucer of frozen water.
4) Record the results
We saw the ice melted quicker without salt
we saw the ice with salt stick together
The ice with salt was spikey and lumpy. Like frost on an ice-block or in the morning in winter.
No Salt
No Salt
5) Draw a conclusionThe salt helps keep the ice cold and take longer to melt. Our hypothesis was wrong.
The Activity was really enjoyable. As we read we had some questions and they were:
- Do these steps apply to all scientists?
- Why do they use these 5?
- What would happen if we didn't use one?
Maybe you can help us answer these.
wow mr sloan
great photos i tried these five steps and found out that if leave the ice to melt for two minutes and then add one half a cup of salt it turns rock solid
thats absalotly un beleiveable i like ice its cold
here is a cool science video link
here are some more cool links
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