Over the past week the Tararua Team went to Camp Makahika. It was a real challenge but we survived!
Everyone who went to Makahika in Room 8 did the amazing flying fox. It was 170meters long over the river and half of the camp!
We all were able to get wrist bands for the activities that were really challenging.

The High ropes were quite scary because they were twice the size of a 2 story house. You had to climb up and jump off.
When it was Kiriana's turn to go abseiling she found it really scary. About half way up Doug the monster in the abseiling wall caught her shoe and she had to work real hard to get it free. When it was the All-Stars turn we solved this problem by getting Jordan B. to kick the wall.
On the first night Mr Sloan was silly enough to go for a walk in the dark with bare feet. He ended up standing on and kicking a hedgehog.
One of the coolest things of camp was the bush walk and a sleep over in the bush. We went on a really long walk where we learnt how to light fires and make bivouacs. It was really long with heaps of river crossings and MUD! At the end we had to stay at a camp where there was a long drop that really, really, really, STANK!