Check out these ideas for things to do.
(just let me know how they went)
If you have something else you could suggest post them.
Or post your own recipes.
(just let me know how they went)
If you have something else you could suggest post them.
Or post your own recipes.
Check this out!
Make your own gloop at home!
Ingredients:1 cup cornstarch
a small amount of water
Add water slowly to cornstarch until the goop drips from the spoon.
The mixture will seem hard until you try to pick it up then it slides
between your fingers. If it is to liquidy add a little more cornstarch.
If the white is too boring for you add some food coloring!
the choclate chip cookies that i had was YUM!
love the ice cream and cookie's.I think i will make them today.
that mythbusters video is soooo funny!!!
Here's the link you want Mr sloan
That is soo cool Dallas! Thanks for sharing that with us. But I don't understand how it happens.
I wonder if anyone out there can explain to us here how Dallas' video works
Mr. Sloan I know how the milk trick works.
The liquid has a reaction with the milk because the liquid has chemicals in it which causes the reaction.
The food colouring shows the reaction other wise if we didn't add the food colouring we would not see the reaction.
The milk reacts to the dish liquid because the milk has a chemical reaction and the milk is not used to be put together.But if you put milk and food coloring together it wont make a difference except the milk will change color.The reaction wont work without dish liquid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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