Family Corner

Family Corner
Here are some really cool sites that help us learn about being safe on the web. Check them out with mum or dad.
Think You Know
Social Networking

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our Wonderings!

This Term we are studying our Amazing Machince and what keeps it in top gear. Here are some of our wonderings. Do you have anything you are wondering about that might help guide our inquiry?


Mr Sloan said...

Well Done Room 8 not a single egg question!


egg questions start with words like can, did, is etc.

Caterpillar questions start with when, where, who, and sometimes what.

Chrysalis questions start with why, how and sometimes what.

Butterfly questions are follow up questions on the same topic.

maddison said...

Mr Sloan i think you are right well done room 8

brittany said...

i think we done really good job at the queStion tree well done rm 8!!!

brittany said...

maybe i can get a butterfly question up there

Rebekka Mckay said...

this is so cool room 8 I really liked your questions it made me think really hard!!!

jordan.r said...

that is just like the question tree only landscape

Mr Sloan said...

Yeah you are right Jordan!
Great work spotting that out!

Brittany great goal setting! This could be a goal for your competencies portfolio sample under thinking.