Family Corner

Family Corner
Here are some really cool sites that help us learn about being safe on the web. Check them out with mum or dad.
Think You Know
Social Networking

Monday, April 26, 2010

Term 2

This Term Room 8 is studying the science in inquiry and are investigating:

'What Keeps Our World Beautiful?'

It will be an exciting term and we are all looking forward to discovering our beautiful world.


Learning Centre 16 said...

We look forward to following your progress in your inquiry and hearing about all the things you learn.

jannah said...

we under 10s bet the feilding hurricanes 15 teen 95

Tom's Mum said...

Hey Room 8 - cool blog. Can't wait to see what you guys get up to this term!

paige said...

room 8s backround needs to change...please...pretty please with a cherry on top!

lachlan said...

hi mr sloan I hope we have a extreme term